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        昆恒廣告 KUNHENG
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        penhui photo for you to introduce print shop how to do the puzzle, a lot of people who have just set up shop for colour printing software is not very understanding, jinan penhui photo here for you to introduce how to print the puzzle problem, first of all, we all need to print shops make brochures or catalogue page number puzzle printing, here we are generally use PDF software, but the PDF software itself without puzzle function, we can download some plug-in automatically puzzle, that I can to print.

        噴繪寫真  通常打印格局支撐為JPG PDF TIF等格局。那咱們如何下載PDF插件呢,咱們能夠從baidu查找PDF拼版插件或許是淘寶網采購也就幾塊錢的工作,就能處理您打印拼版的疑問。
        penhui photo general print format support for the JPG PDF TIF format, etc. That we how to download the PDF plug-in, we can from baidu search PDF puzzle plug-in or taobao buy it a few dollars, can solve the problem of your print puzzles.
        版權所有:南京昆恒廣告有限責任公司 | 地址:南京市下關區建寧路98號金海市場 | 電話:025-58835767 58803780
        傳真:025-58803949 | 網址:www.hqbet4995.com | 聯系人:錢先生(13901599237) | 備案號:蘇ICP備07005272號 | 技術支持:中國雞鳴網